Fraud Graphic

Dec 06, 2023

Increasingly, criminals are using check fraud to target businesses. Positive Pay from Buckeye Community Bank is a fraud detection tool that protects you from becoming a victim.

Using Positive Pay, you can quickly create a data file that includes the issue date, check number and amount for each check. Buckeye’s online account allows you to upload or enter check details directly. As checks arrive at the bank to be paid, Buckeye compares their details to the Positive Pay data file. If the information matches, the check is posted to your account. Items that do not match are sent directly to you via a Positive Pay exception report, then you decide if you want to pay or reject them.

Buckeye’s Positive Pay can dramatically reduce the possibility of check fraud by identifying and returning fraudulent items. Positive Pay protects your business further against loss from the payment of lost, stolen, counterfeit or duplicate checks since all checks presented for payment are verified.

Protect your business with Buckeye’s Positive Pay by contacting us at 440-233-8800 or